Monday 30 November 2015

Maths Quiz With Salesians

On Friday 16th October Salesians College journeyed to our school hall for an exciting Maths Quiz! We started our Friday morning normally by going to class and having our break. We were supposed to go to the hall to help set up but I was in my own world and forgot. I went to Irish class with Lauren and sat there wondering where everyone was and then realised that the whole of TY was down in the hall. We carried tables and chairs into the hall and assorted them into 16 groups of four students. Each table would have two girls and two boys. When the boys arrived we were all given a sheet that would be the icebreaker. Then we lined up girls on one side and boys on the other. We were given numbers and we had to match our groups together. At first when the two boys introduced themselves it was really awkward and I didn't know what to do... But then thank god they started handing out the sheets with the maths questions on them so I could just keep my head down, do the sum and avoid eye-contact because I was so embarrassed. Our team wasn't that bad at maths, I mean we got a few wrong but we did well. A few of my friends were there from the boys school and two of them were on the winning team. It was really fun but I didn't win anything in the quiz...
HOWEVER, I did win musical statues after though and I got a packet of sweets so I was chuffed

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